Monday, June 20, 2011

Zone Systems Practice

For a final project, we tried doing what's called zone systems. This is my practice of looking at a "perfect image" and identifying the different zones.

2 Month Pinhole

My mentor, Ken Ku, did a 2 month pinhole exposure while he was away in Korea. This was the turn out.

Cherry Blossoms

So as Spring began to unfold and bloom, all the cherry blossoms started to appear and come to life. My class went out and photographed them, and these are some of the ones I took. I used infrared film for the first time.

William's Park

With this year coming to an end, photography and writing went down to another local national park for a picnic to celebrate and relax. We didn't have to take any pictures, but I went down with a camera knowing that this is a very beautiful park. Here are some of the pictures I took.

Derby Reach Check Up

While Nature Verses was up, my class went to the park so that we could all look at our piece and see what mother nature thought of each of our pieces. While we were there, we had a pot-luck lunch. As everyone was eating, I went and took pictures of the geese that were very close to us. I was only able to get a few good ones as I had to use a shorter shutter speed which made most of my pictures blurry.

Nature Verses

This year I was proud to be part of a project called Nature Verses. It's both a photography and writing major show, but it doesn't necessarily have to have photography or writing in it. This is a project that takes place within a local national park. The criteria for our piece is only that it's 'environtmental awareness' related, and that our pieces to not hurt nature in any way. What I came up with was a piece that I called Time will Only Tell. It was supposed to be a "window looking into the possible future" to show what will happen if we don't stop cutting down our trees.. I wanted viewers to walk by and see my piece as if they are looking at a tree stump with crundge around, instead of a beautiful, full grown tree. I went out and took pictures of tree stumps, and then I printed a big image and wrapped it around a tree.

My original idea was to send the digital file to an artist that I talk about in an earlier post, JR, with my proposal for my project idea, and then hopefully he would send me a massive print of my image. I was then going to glue it to a tree using non-toxix, environmentally friendly glue, but that I realised that that wasn't a safe idea. Because I also wasn't able to get ahold of JR, I had to make due with what I had. Even though I was not able to go with my original idea, I am still happy with the end result.

Studio Still Life

Last year in photography 11, I had an assingment to photograph white-on-white using my school's studio. This year, however, that assignment changed a little. This year I was given the assignment to photograph glass, metal, and textured objects using certain lighting on each. Sadly, I was not there for the workshop given on the different lightings, so I went to a friend whom told me the lighting styles, but when I went to shoot my pictures, I had forgoten all about them. These are my best pictures from all three categories of glass, metal, and texture.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Commercial Drive

Commercial Drive has a huge photographic potential, so there is we big range of variety between my pictures I have taken. We were all given a theme-word before we left for Vancouver which we had to take pictures of, and mine was 'funny'. My themed pictures aren't as great as my actual pictures but they defiantly make me laugh.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

JR's InsideOut Project

I think that our school community is one that is very open about everyone's sexuality. Most high schools that I know of are not as open as we are, and this is something that makes our school community stand out. I value how anyone can come and be who they truly are. I hear a lot throughout the hallways of how someone came to our school thinking that they would not be welcome because of they way they dress, but turned out to be very welcome to our school and see that there are more people that dress weird. I think that for the InsideOut project, we should explore how our school is an 'open-sexuality' school, and the struggles that you would possibly find in other schools.


For my concentration, I continued my string project. Instead of wrapping just the head of my model, I went and wrapped most of the body. This series is supposed to give the feeling of how we all have strugles and challenges in our life, and it's sometimes hard to get through them. These are my best and favorite photographs from the series. Also, here is a link to a VoiceThread I made for a group critque for my class.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Comic Page

My photo class did an 'in-class' photogshop assignment, in which we learned how to take a digital image and turn it into a "comic book page". We all did this with a portrait, so because I don't have very many portraits at all, I took a portrait that my friend had already taken. Afterwards, I remembered about my Erwin Olaf shoot, and realised that I did have some portraits, so I ended up with doing two comic pages. I really enjoyed it, so I decided to copy my girlfriends' art style. What she does is use every single colour that she sees in her pictures, so I tried doing that for my final comic page. I'll post that when I'm finished it, but here are my two comic book pictures I did in class.

Self Portrait & Alter Ego

An asingment the grade 12's got was to take a roll of colour film for self portraits, and a roll of colour film for self portraits but as our alter ego. I used expired film for my self portrait and new film for my alter ego, but sadly because the expired film I used was only a few years old, it didn't make much a noticeable.