Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Comic Page

My photo class did an 'in-class' photogshop assignment, in which we learned how to take a digital image and turn it into a "comic book page". We all did this with a portrait, so because I don't have very many portraits at all, I took a portrait that my friend had already taken. Afterwards, I remembered about my Erwin Olaf shoot, and realised that I did have some portraits, so I ended up with doing two comic pages. I really enjoyed it, so I decided to copy my girlfriends' art style. What she does is use every single colour that she sees in her pictures, so I tried doing that for my final comic page. I'll post that when I'm finished it, but here are my two comic book pictures I did in class.

Self Portrait & Alter Ego

An asingment the grade 12's got was to take a roll of colour film for self portraits, and a roll of colour film for self portraits but as our alter ego. I used expired film for my self portrait and new film for my alter ego, but sadly because the expired film I used was only a few years old, it didn't make much a noticeable.