Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Creative Mix

These pictures are from our field trip to our Creative Mix conference. Honestly, I didn't fully know what Creative Mix was, so I can't explain what it is. But since I can't explain what it is, this is a link to the Creative Mix 2010 website. I dind't take very many pictures inside the conference at all. While I was walking around outside, I was trying our HDR photography for my first time. Sadly, I didn't have a tripod with me, so each frame was slightly in a different spot, so I wasn't able to piece them ontop of eachother properly. So instead, these are the couple pictures I took that weren't for my HDR.

 This was the wall that everyone saw when they walked into the gallery part of the conference.

 This was our wall!

Granville Island

On our field trip to Granville Island, our class was given  list of pictures to take. I thought they were just suggestions, so I dind't actually follow them. Instead, I took real basic pictures, and photoshopped them a bit when we got back to the school. These are what I took.

For this one, I photo shopped in the cat's eye. I showed my teacher, and she felt that it would look better if it didn't have the eye in it, so I tried taking the cat's eye out. In the end, I really liked the one with the cat's eye, rather than the one without. To me, it seems more like my style if it has the eye in it.

Anonymous Double Exposure: Photographer

These photographs are from the roll of film that I got from a random photographer. We didn't know where the film came from and who used it. All we knew, was that it was sent in to us from somewhere in the world. I photographed nature with our mentor's macro lens, while the photography photographed the city that he/she lived in.

 To me, it looks like this plant is in a mid-phase of turning into a human, so I call this photograph "Becoming One".
 The strands of dew on this dandy lion look like strands of DNA, so this one I named "DNA Transformation".
 "Flowering Bulb"
 "Industrial Lion"
 This photograph is titled "Rundown Wilderness" because in the background, you can see a rundown or abandoned house, and this plant in the front is part of the wilderness, or the wild.

 "Window of Thoughts"

Anonymous Double Exposure: Student

These are my photographs from our Anonymous Double Exposure done with the students. The theme in these photographs is noise and silence. I shot the theme noise. To shoot noise, I took photographs of something that I own and use that makes noise; my violin. What is shot underneath, is a girl look through glass that was simulated by using a larg amount of plastic wrap.

 This one is titled "Embodied"
 "Body of the F-hole"
 "Stare of the Gypsy"
I call this one "Trapped Music", because it looks like the girl is trapped in the violin. I really like how it looks like she's pressing up against the body of the violin with her hand.