Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Anonymous Double Exposure: Photographer

These photographs are from the roll of film that I got from a random photographer. We didn't know where the film came from and who used it. All we knew, was that it was sent in to us from somewhere in the world. I photographed nature with our mentor's macro lens, while the photography photographed the city that he/she lived in.

 To me, it looks like this plant is in a mid-phase of turning into a human, so I call this photograph "Becoming One".
 The strands of dew on this dandy lion look like strands of DNA, so this one I named "DNA Transformation".
 "Flowering Bulb"
 "Industrial Lion"
 This photograph is titled "Rundown Wilderness" because in the background, you can see a rundown or abandoned house, and this plant in the front is part of the wilderness, or the wild.

 "Window of Thoughts"

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