Monday, September 27, 2010

Surveillance: Granville Island

The surveillance project has gone on for a while now, so I continued to take some surveillance photos on our field trip to Granville Island. I took most of them while we were on transit (bus and sky train), but a couple of them are while we were walking off the bus/sky train. Because these are all surveillance pictures, I was trying to make it seem less obvious that I'm taking pictures so I was shooting from my hip. Take a look at all the faces and what everyone is doing in the pictures while looking through them; that's (to me) one of the main parts of a surveillance photo.

 This photo was taken when we first got on the sky train, looking through into the car ahead of us.
 Once this guy walked on the sky train, he kept laughing to himself and talking to himself every now and them.

 I took this one when the sky train stopped at one of the 'above ground' stops.
 Once we got off the sky train, we had to walk out of the terminal to get to the bus. On our way out, we encountered a strange man... He came up to all of us and told us that the, and I quote, "zombie apocalypse is upon us". He was singing as he left us.
 On our way to the bus stop I was just taking pictures of people that caught my eye,
 This man just looked interesting to me because he was wearing jogging shorts and drinking a cold drink in the cold.
 This was taken as I we were walking onto the bus. I was a little hesitant to take this picture, because I didn't know what would happen if I was caught taking this picture. As you can see, this bus driver saw that I was taking her picture. As she saw this, she quickly covered the coin slot on the ticket machine.
I was hoping that this man would see that I was taking his picture, so I could capture an expression from him, but I was also nervous of what he would do if he saw I was taking his picture.

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