Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This Year in Pictures - News

(From Reuters)

     This is a picture of Prince Harry falling off his horse during a game of Polo. The reason this is one of my favorite 2010 'news' pictures is not because the prince is falling of his horse, but because of the people's facial expressions in the background. I really like how some people are laughing at the prince as his falling off his horse, and how a couple of them are actually taking pictures of him, like the photographer who this picture. This picture tells the story perfectly, but the only problem is that you can only tell that it's someone falling off a horse, not a prince. I think that the contrast between the repetition of standing people against the 1 falling person helps draw your eyes to the subject immediately, as well as the fact that the falling man is in the close to far left corner of the frame.

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