Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Granville Island

On our field trip to Granville Island, our class was given  list of pictures to take. I thought they were just suggestions, so I dind't actually follow them. Instead, I took real basic pictures, and photoshopped them a bit when we got back to the school. These are what I took.

For this one, I photo shopped in the cat's eye. I showed my teacher, and she felt that it would look better if it didn't have the eye in it, so I tried taking the cat's eye out. In the end, I really liked the one with the cat's eye, rather than the one without. To me, it seems more like my style if it has the eye in it.

1 comment:

  1. I love the bus and the leaf without the creepy eye ball. The red is super powerful and great sky and retro bus.
